
Puss In Boots!

I admit
I think the story is quite boring
Of course!
It's for kids!

But I <3 CATS!!!
Little little kithens!
It's Cute! <3 <3 <3

Baby Puss~ <3 So cute!!

His GirlFriend~ Kitty Soft Paws~

Jack & Jill-- The Piggys' Dad & Mum~

The Magic Bean Plant! Huge & Tall!

This is when Humpty Dumpty want himself to looks like a golden egg=="


Lovely~ <3

All the Golden Eggs!!

The Baby Goose that lay all the Golden Eggs =="
Quite unlogic~

Hahaha... Jack looks like a pig!
I laugh so hard here~

Well, I don't like this characture..
Although in the end he still...
But i don't like him though~ =(

Waiting for this!!


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