
The Day Which Full of Love

Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone on Earth! <3

This "lovely" morning begins with a noisy alarm
& it's not only one! It's TWO!
Mandy's fault!

That's Mandy with BIG eyes! O.O

Mandy is buying Valentine present for her friends,
& borrowed forty bucks from me last night!
And There's the presents!

I help with the wrapping also!
Nice right?? <3

I ate a lots of chocolate today :-P
Left 3 little one..

I'm REALLY ON DIET this time!
Hehe.. really!
This two is "from mummy to daddy" & "from daddy to mummy"
Sweet right? <3

& finally the rest of the day is still the same as usual~ <3

Again, Happy Valentine's Day <3
Here's a tricks for guys! Good Luck with that :-P

P.S. I miss you my dear~
Loves you~


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